Friday, August 26, 2005

Apparently they like the word Grand

The Ceremony and Reception

Sarah and Craig will be married at the historical Wellesley Hotel in Wellington City, The Wellesley is a heritage building, designed by William Gray Young in 1927. It is regarded as Wellington’s finest example of neo-Georgian architecture. Sarah fell in love with the building, and the giant bison head mounted in the downstairs wine bar area. She didn't really give Craig all that much choice, luckily it was the best that he'd seen recently as well.
The Ceremony itself will take place on the Grand Staircase at 4:30pm.

The following reception will be held upstairs in the Grand Dining room, they'll kick you out at midnight.

The Wedding Party

Sarah-Rose M - Bride
Petra L - Maid of Honour / Friend
Charlotte M - Bridesmaid / Sister
Jayne M - Bridesmaid / Sister

Craig B - Groom
Kieran D - Best Man / Freind
Simon B - Groomsman / Brother
Kieran B - Groomsman / Brother

you make me feel like i am whole again

We've decided on a song to have performed during the ceremony.

It took forever to decide.
I've always loved this song but I didn't think that it would really work with just a voice and a piano, and then I heard Tori Amos' version.
and it was perfect.

Lovesong - The Cure

Whenever I’m alone with you
You make me feel like I am home again
Whenever I’m alone with you
You make me feel like I am whole again
Whenever I’m alone with you
You make me feel like I am young again
Whenever I’m alone with you
You make me feel like I am fun again

However far away
I will always love you
However long I stay
I will always love you
Whatever words I say
I will always love you
I will always love you

Whenever I’m alone with you
You make me feel like I am free again
Whenever I’m alone with you
You make me feel like I am clean again

However far away
I will always love you
However long I stay
I will always love you
Whatever words I say
I will always love you
I will always love you

It will be performed by my very talented friend Kat.
and I can't wait to hear it!

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

The Story So Far

The very first time Sarah ever met Craig was the 15th of June 2000 and he ended up kissing a friend of hers.
The second time She met Craig (exactly two weeks later) he took her hand and told her he looked like the devil and immediately she was interested (she's that kind of girl).

They were at a party way up in the hills of Belmont (right before it turns into farmland), at the house of a boy named Jamie, who Sarah barely knew except for the fact that her best friend was infatuated with him. Craig spent an inordinate amount of time telling her about setting up stereo speakers to his computer to increase the bass (no, she didn't ask) and how he had been drinking since noon but still wasn't drunk, however the fact that he can barely remember any of this begs to differ.
Still, Sarah thought he was sweet. And he looked like the devil.
Their first kiss was sitting on a garage roof, looking out over the lights of wellington harbour and the stars above, only the rememberence of beer on his mustache taking away from the cliché.

Two weeks later they were cunningly set up by their scheming friends Petra and Brent.

For their first date, Craig, ever the romantic, took Sarah to watch one of his soccer games. For some reason this didn't deter her (though she watched the game with a furrowed brow and still can't see the appeal).

Sarah and Craig had been together for a year and a half when he moved up to Auckland with his family. Thanks to cellphones and the internet, two years and far too much money spent on flights later he moved back down to Wellington. March 16th 2004.

i really rather dislike coding

testing testing 123

i am feeling my way blindly here guys.

First Post

Why hello first post.
This is a website so you can find out how the wedding planning is going and even more about the event itself.

It struck craig and i recently that time is going far too fast, it's under 6 months to go and every few days it seems as though someone points out something that we haven't planned for.

It doesn't help that the ladies at my work have this 1950s carnation, horseshoe idea of weddings that is just totally not what we're going for.