Friday, September 18, 2009

It's like they don't know me at all ...

I have had this conversation three or four times in the last half hour:

S: Oo! My Goat Antlers* have arrived!
Other: Wha?
S: My Goat Antlers.
Other: Huh?
S: my Goat Antlers with Cranium attached!
Other: Where did you get them?
S: Trademe**
Other: Are they ... Do they ... smell?
S: No. (sniffs antlers) No. I think that was the packaging.
Other: Why? What for? Ugh? Weird?
S: To mount. On the wall. Goat Antlers. With Cranium attached!

Goat Antlers!

Goat Antlers with Cranium attached!

* Uh yea. Goats have Horns. But they were advertised and sold as "antlers" so it stuck.
** NZ eBay

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Dearest, Oh Darling, The Internet

I don't know how and I don't know why* but I'm involved in yet another to-do, hullabaloo, revue, production with the Butterfly Creek Theatre Troupe. And our rehearsals are on Tuesdays and Thursdays and Sundays (oh my).

Forgive me, dear Internet, for it seems that in order to keep my head above the metaphorical waters, to distract myself from the reality that I don't live in London, that I haven't for a year, & shan't for oh lord, maybe another year, in order to survive in suburbia, I have heaped the plate of my life right to the edges.
I have rehearsal 2-3 days a week, exercise as often as humanly possible, a yen to trip away up the coast, a week of house sitting, a 7:30-5 job (Dolly Who?), friends, a husband, photography projects, tv-obsessions, a trip to Japan to plan, a storage unit to unpack, a house to furnish on a severe budget**, a pile of books-to-read as tall as my knees, tattoos to plan*** and and and and and and and!

Please ignore that keening sound. It will pass soon.

My cup (plate! damn mixed metaphors) overfloweth. But! I hope (I HOPE) that productivity breeds productivity and that this darling site doesn't fall by the wayside.



* that's a lie. I do it because I love it. It's like crack to me.
** Craig-o-potamus and I are moving. In November. Details to follow when they become interesting.
*** Kidding Mum!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Monday, September 14, 2009

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Week Thirty-Seven

365 in 2009!

Sunday: Limoncello Slice
Father-Darling took us to Bella Italia for Father's Day lunch - I came away with delicious Limoncello Slice.

Monday: Craig does the Bills
Craig chose Monday night to go through our accounts. Masochist.

Tuesday: Coloured in Tattoo
I allowed a co-worker's daughter to colour in my cupcake tattoo.
I wasn't expecting the whole thing to be coloured in and then I had to spend all day looking like I have a ridiculously bad tattoo.

Wednesday: Driving Home
Our train was cancelled in the morning so Craig and I ended up driving in to work.
I quite like it, it's half an hour of hanging with Sir C & the music we listen to instead of jabbering commuters.

Thursday: In these shoes I am 5"5
In these shoes I am 5'5.25" (4 inch heels) and it's quite a different experience. Also? they last featured on 365 in 2009 on a Thursday.

Friday: A grey day and a grey mood
Catching a late train. A grey day and a very grey mood.

Saturday: Meringue Coffee at Flax
Meringue coffee (actually? it was just a latte) at Flax Café, Petone.


Rose Tattoo: Work Shirt Edition
Rose Tattoo: Work Shirt Edition