Thursday, March 01, 2007

The beginning of the end ...

February is over and I am glad. Mainly because I don't have to see this :

Creepy Saint by Da Vinci

every morning in my kitchen. Because, Hi Da Vinci? I love you but that guy is Scary.

March 2007 also means the beginning of the end. By the end of this month Craig and I will have our little home dismantled and we will be living out of bags and boxes at my parents house, all in preparation for our trip to London.

All the tickets are booked and paid for, our places are booked on our Intrepid tour and I am caught between excited and terrified (I think this is best. Terrified means I end up prepared and Excited means I am ... well, Excited).

It's the beginning of the end. And I make lists and count days.

Days to go
Dream closes2 days
Moving out29 days
Finishing work 43 days (approx)
Leaving Wellington60 days
Leaving New Zealand67 days
Arriving Bangkok81 days
Arriving London100 days