Hi! How've you been? It's been forever and a week. Or something.
Ages. Really Ages. And ever ever so much has happened!
Like right now? I'm in New Zealand.
Unless you follow my twitterings religiously (ha!) you might not have noticed as it was all a tremendous secret.
I left London on a Tuesday, arrived in Wellington on a Thursday (Hi? Wednesday? Where were you? GONE! NOWHERE! DEATH! I only saw you for an hour in Hong Kong)) and proceeded to actually Hide Out as my secret squirrel sister couldn't quite convince my Dad that there was an actual honest to G reason that we should celebrate Mum's birthday a day early.
And despite the ludicrous incident where my family walked within inches of the parked car I was sitting in (I had to duck!) the surprise worked amazingly. I have never seen my mother's face look so terrifyingly mask like. She was speechless and best of all she didn't bleed on me (there is precedent).
Despite all the gaiety I have mainly been disappeared because my photo didn't even place in the Shortlist competition (you might have guessed that). Thankfully I actually liked 3 out of the 4 winning entries. By the end of it all I was completely sick of that photo and I couldn't go near Oh freaking Darling dot net dot nz. Ack.
And because, oh most of all because our grip on our London Idyll is ever so tenuous and I can't talk too much about it without screeching and blood pouring from my ears.
There's nothing that can be done. The Home Office mist have its' way with us and we ... (really regretting this metaphor) have to bend over and take it.
Craig and I have been attempting to make Life Decisions (Hi! we're hugely indecisive. HATE) but thankfully we have plans and contingencies and while they don't include being in Rome for my 25th Birthday, I'm pretty happy with them.
I've decided that I simply won't turn 25 until I can be in Rome.
This is all compounded (Yes. MORE DRAMA. How am I holding it together? Ha. You make me laugh.) by the fact that CRAIG IS STILL IN LONDON!
We have been apart for 17 days and there are 22 (ack) more before we are reunited.
And on top of THAT, next Monday, the 14th July 2008 marks EIGHT YEARS of Craig & I being Craig & I.
Keep calm & carry on. Keep calm & carry on. Keep calm & carry on. Keep calm & carry on. Keep calm & carry on. Keep calm & carry on. Keep calm & carry on. Keep calm & carry on.