Friday, September 14, 2007

A Most Disturbing Package ...

Dear Glasses-Website,
Might I suggest that the best way to thank someone for making a purchase through your website is not a wide wide staring squishy eyeball candy.
That's less oh hey, thanks! and more Oh Sweet Jesus What Is That??.
It is also kind of awesome!*


However, Thank you for my glasses. I now have an option for when I'm not feeling so emo.

Emo GlassesEmo Glasses

New Glasses (detail)

Red red GlassesRedred Glasses!


p.s. Sarah's super secret s ... project (blast) is back underway!

P.p.s. Oh! Oh no. I've just noticed that according to the indredients the eyeball contains Strawberry Flavouring. Which indicates the presence of something red.
And you have to bite before swallowing.
I'm officially terrified.

Terrifying Eye Candy

* But then I enjoy both bad puns (glasses = eye candy) and pretending I've received a package from a serial killer.