Sunday, May 23, 2010

Week Twenty-One

The Week in Photographs

Sunday: Hot Chocolate at the Mall
Coffee (and hot chocolate) during a break from errands at the mall with Craig. He does not like coffee but always saves me a marshmallow. So that's okay.

Monday: North and South - arresting covers
North and South had a cover which make me stop in my tracks.

Tuesday: Driving home. Tail lights.
I like playing with bokeh and the trail lights on the drive home.

Wednesday: Dropped off by the Ferry
Dawn by the waterfront. Craig dropped me off early so he could take the car for a check up.

Thursday: Working late on Budget Day
The lights are on late on Budget Day.

Friday: Getting stuff ready for my tattoo consultation
Printing off reference pictures for my tattoo consultation appointment.

Saturday: Manu Tattoo, Petone
Tattoo consultation at Manu Tattoo. I love this painted mannequin he has in the window.
(I ended up booking 2 tattoos on Saturday; 1 with Manu in June, and 1 with Erin from Sacred in October!)


Mm. Coffee and a Windowseat