Friday, May 15, 2009

How I know Craig missed me

Last night, after turning off the lights and whispering wishes for sweet dreams, Craig curled his arm over my side & his head into the base of my neck and lay there, falling asleep.
This might not seem like a lot to most people, but Craig and I do not sleep entwined, arms and legs in a knot of a person.
No no, we can't, we have radically different body temperatures.

During the day, Craig can wander around wearing jeans and a tee-shirt while I need a cardigan, and a jacket. And sometimes also a scarf. Bizarre.
He swears it's because he was born in the desert (UAE) and as such? immune to the cold. I think he's just a robot.
But as soon as the sun dips below the hills and we depart for bedfordshire* all of a sudden Craig requires a duvet during all seasons of the year, and sometimes a blanket as well, whereas I need the window open and sleep below just the sheet. With wet hair. Occasionally, on extremely frosty nights I will use the duvet but most of the time? Our bed ends up looking like this:

How do you sleep?
The great wall of half-a-duvet built between us.

If (IF) we do end up falling asleep touching, as soon as Craig is completely unconscious, he starts twitching.
I thought it might have just been when we were completely curled together but I experimented (hee) and even if I leave one arm lying over him, or a hand, ONLY THE AREA I AM TOUCHING BEGINS TO TWITCH.
Craig's subconscious hates me**.
He often accuses me of stealing all the room in the bed. But actually? what happens is I scoot closer to him (I tend to get cold after a while, usually around 2am, what with the wet hair & open window & sheet & all) and he subconsciously scoots AWAY FROM ME. Hateful.

And on top of the heat differences, and the twitching, and the scooting? I can't stand feeling anyone's breath on me while I am trying to get to sleep. Not even my own***.

So last night, pretending like we could sleep in a knot? I knew that Sir C did miss me as much as I missed him.
We lay for minutes and pretended like we were falling asleep, pretended we were in the movies, but we can only be ourselves****, he gave up & I let him leave, his breath had been damn distracting. I snaked my feet over and rested them against his calf. The one thing we can manage. Our connection through the night.

* Yes. I am a whimsical character from 1950s Britain. Why do you ask?
** I'm sure it doesn't really.
*** Good Lord we sound crazy. Is it just us? How do YOU sleep?
**** I wouldn't have us any other way.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Oh Darling Hearts

I'm sorry but Craig has been in Auckland since Sunday and I flew up this morning to join him.
So, even though he may be in the garage getting his hands all greasy, right now, the only thing I heart is this man:


Wednesday, May 13, 2009

I hate it when I forget to publish entries!

From the Archives

January 13th 2008

San Francisco

Kat & San Francisco
Kat, Craig, and I are still on the bridge

I heart SF


Ta Daaaa
Kat with Alcatraz to the right and the City to the left.

She is also excited because .... we are no longer on the bridge!

The Onion

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Week Nineteen

365 in 2009!

Sunday: Freshly baked bread
I baked beer bread* and it was delicious!

Monday: Horse belt buckle
I wore my horse belt to work. It amused me all day.

Tuesday: Nylon & Starbucks. Consumerism ahoy!
Consumerism ahoy! Nylon & Starbucks.

Wednesday: Vampire teeth Necklace!
I'm so predictable. Another vampire fang necklace.

Thursday: Reflected Sky
A disarmingly cold day, blue sky & reflected clouds.

Friday: Cute Bicycle in the Rain
Cute bicycle in the bucketing rain. Equestrian helmet strapped to the back.

Saturday: Mid-Studding
DIY Studding!


Pair 4
I went against all advice and ordered the least popular frames (poor lame puppy) though my Mummy-dearest thinks that it's my ridiculous photography not the ridiculous glasses that caused the dearth of votes.

*Beer Bread, so so easy.
3 cups self raising flour, 3 tbsp sugar, 1 can of beer
1. Preheat oven to 200*C.
2. Combine all ingredients, mixing well.
3. Pour into a 9 x 5 x 3-inch loaf pan and bake for 1 hour.
4. DONE!

Mother's Day in food & photographs

Butlers Chocolates
Cerise en Kirsch & 70% Chocolate Truffle

Nouveau Lens & bokeh
I would marry my new lens if it was legal & if I didn't love Sir C so much.

Botticelli Mama
Botticelli Mama as we drank Chai Lattes

Orangina AND Sauvignon Gris
Orangina & Sauvignon Gris at La Cloche

Inga (aka Jayne)


La Cloche
J'adore La Cloche.

Framed with a heart

Mum Grinning

It's Mother's Day in New Zealand & we're taking Mummy-Dear out to lunch.
Even though she loves her online daughters more*.

* She doesn't really**.

** Well, perhaps she does wish that we would have our adult search filter set to medium in real life more often.