Thursday, January 22, 2009

She's got Marilyn Manson eyes ...



Self Portrait with Curls

I think it could work ... in the dream it looked really good!

This might become my new obsession-I-do-nothing-about.
(I used to obsess about shaving my head. Never did and now? I really don't care)

The reality. Poor Tiffany.

Marilyn Manson eyes!

Jules made this for me.
It's pretty much the most awesome thing ever.
And proves that yea, sometimes dreams should stay dreams. But! in the dream, I dressed it less death-eyes and more pale and romantic. So maybe the dream still lives ...

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Untamed Menagerie

Oh Darling Hearts

Untamed Menagerie

I knew it was too good to last. Two weeks where my hearts desire was something I already owned or something free.
This week it/they/ohhhh belong to Untamed Menagerie.

Acrylic necklaces are one of my favourite things, my Alex & Chloe necklaces bring me no end of joy, and while I don''t wear it often, my chandelier necklace is one of my prized posessions.
(admission: I started wearing acrylic necklaces because of my nickel allergy! will I mention this every second week? Perhaps!!)

If I was buying things (sigh) then I would have already purchased this darling rabbit ring, and silhouette image of the tarantula girl.

Untamed Menagerie - Etsy FindUntamed Menagerie - Etsy Find

In fact, and I think the biggest sigh of all, is that I would adopt and cherish any and all items currently being produced by Mesdames Untamed Menagerie.

Untamed Menagerie - Etsy FindUntamed Menagerie - Etsy Find

Untamed Menagerie - Etsy Find

Untamed Menagerie is a collection of the combined works of Penny and Nikki (mother and daughter). We are inspired by nature, vintage illustrations, and anatomy. We strive to create whimsical accessories that will bring a smile to your face.

Nikki is a pink-haired, chihuahua-loving, violinist. She is the crafter, photographer, and one woman customer service representative of Untamed Menagerie. If you receive a shipping notice, an answer to a custom inquiry, or an email with questions about your order-- you've most likely been speaking with Nikki.

In sharp contrast to Nikki, Penny has simple (though eclectic) tastes. She loves floral silhouettes, french fabrics, and her Maltese, Precious. Penny is in charge of shipping your orders and ordering our supplies. She is constantly seeking out the best materials for Untamed Menagerie. She also helps Nikki with design concepts.

We are both addicted to coffee, cream cheese pastries, and quiet time.

So cute. I hate this. IT IS TORTURE.

OhDarling Hearts will be published on Thursdays from now on!

My Sister and I are SO cool

Via text message this morning:
Charlotte: I'm inAWEgerated!
Me: The end of an error.
Charlotte: We are awesome.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

I uncovered 300 hidden photos in my flickr account.
Photos I set as private so they wouldn't be seen until I had posted them here (avec explanation) on this oh darling website.
Photos I then apparently promptly forgot about!

They date back to October 2007 and are from London, San Francisco, New Zealand, Hawaii, London, and back to New Zealand.
SO! Another weekly event (aren't you excited!?!) will be:

From the Archives

21st October 2007, London, England

Louise Bourgeois & St Pauls

Maman by Louise Bourgeois

Maman by Louise Bourgeois above & Shibboleth by Doris Salcedo below.

Shibboleth at the Tate Modern

This didn't really help the pressure I feel right in the centre of my chest, just below my collarbone.
I burn, I pine, I perish. I'm feeling grim about the mouth and I need to visit the Tate Modern. I remember exactly the smell, the space in the Turbine Hall, the feeling of standing close to my favourite pieces, the Jackson Pollock and the Anish Kapoor.

But I push that feeling down and continue on. Carry on. Keep moving forward. Glancing backwards but not for too long.

Monday, January 19, 2009

You keep using this word ...

We are so fucking cute

I do not think it means what you think it means

(yes, I know the quote is "Inconceivable" but work with me here)

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Week Three

365 in 2009!

Last night ...
The morning after the night before. Stamp from the concert (Metronomy & The Teenagers) but the stamp had the date for the Auckland concert on it.

Monday Lunch in the Park
The sun was out, the wind was low, I sat and had lunch in a park.

Tuesday: Poor Tiffany
One of the cats has a terrible eye infection. She was taken to the vet and chose our bed for her drugged out sickbed.

Tulle Underskirt
It was our wedding anniversary and I wore a pretty dress to celebrate.

Thursday: Leaving Work
Leaving work. Another quiet week. Wearing a vintage bowtie as a bracelet. Carrying a bag that I bought in a moment of madness which now turns out to be a lifesaver because it fits my DSLR perfectly. No more carrying around the uuugly camera bag OR an oversized handbag.

Bunny on the Street
A bunny! on the street in Wellington.

Saturday: Celabratory Cupcake!!
Celebrating our wedding anniversary with Cupcakes in the park in which we had our wedding photos taken.


If I have to dress like a boy

If I have to dress like a boy for rehearsal (jeans, trainers, a shirt) then I'm going to accessorise with my pinkpink glasses & pinkpink ring.