Everyday ArmaniThese are the spectacles I usually wear, but in the 5 or so years since my last optometrist appointment (oops!) my eyes have wriggled and wiggled and tiggled about and while the power is now the same in both eyes, my astygmatic cornea have changed.
Hence the new spectacles.
Speaking of which! I find it frustrating as anything that my Optometrist, in both their City and Suburb branches, stock only incredibly boring, only marginally differentiated frames.
They all seemed to be along the lines of more or less rectangular, with varying thickness of frame, some in titanium, others in plastic, individuality only marked by oo perhaps a bright colour? or a dull colour that still isn't black or tortoiseshell? or, in an even more radical step,
quirky detailing on the arms. And they are all pretty much universally small.
It makes me sigh melodramatically.
I guess
Jo & her specs have spoiled me.
My eyetest and subsequent nouveau lunettes are kindly subsidised by my employer and so I must purchase sensible, everyday frames from an actual optometrist and save my quirky glasses dream for another day.
Oscar & Fitch, I'm looking at you!
(I love Jo's lace print white frames and the bold circular ones)
Help Me Decide!
These frames are presented in a specific order as chosen by my darling sister, mother, and husband.
Pair 1
Are titanium, a sort of dark cobalt blue (brighter than navy) and have cage detail on the sides which reminds me of the YSL Shoes.
But I'm not sure if I want to wear the shoes on my feet let alone my face.
Pair 2
Are a dark plummy purple colour, plastic with
Titanium arms. And I like the contrast between the heavy and the light but I'm not certain if I like the
Diamantes in the detailing on the arms. And yes, they're by Guess.
Pair 3
break my no brown glasses rule, but they aren't very very brown and I don't find the tortoiseshell obnoxious for once.
It's also hard to tell, I think because of my hair, but the top of the frame flares out a little which is reminiscent of Ray Bans and is kind of more the geek-chic look that I love at the moment.
Pair 4
Don't make me feel as grumpy as I look in this picture.
They are a smoky purple grey colour. It's strange to explain but they mainly look dark so I don't think that's a problem.
I tried them on in the Optometrist's showroom and the lady-receptionist said "Oo. Those are large" in a way that expressed an immediate dislike. But I think I like that about them. And, to me at least, they don't look too big on my face or shrink my eyes! so I'm fine with the size. I think.
Also? how detached does my head look in that photo? Very.
Please! Help!
Cast your votes in the comments or on twitter (@ohdarling !) and then see if I take your advice at all.
MWAHp.s. I'm now sick of the sight of myself!