Hi there oh amorphous internet,
I’m so pleased that this second hiatus update is lacking in the confession stakes. Well (of course) almost …
I ended up purchasing a leather pencil skirt (yes, I am doing nothing to dispel
rumours) from trademe (New Zealand’s version of eBay except you CANNOT
snipe the auctions. HATE.) and admittedly, I bid $2 while drunk and did not expect to win it …. Ha. More fool me. I won. But my darling husband gave me a pass on that one. So it doesn’t really count:
I have been approaching this hiatus as less of a challenge and more of a lifestyle change. I haven’t found it torturous because I haven’t been black and white with myself, shades of grey all the way,
I have modulated my lunchtime walks around the city, I tend to go to the waterfront (or just see how far I can walk) instead of to the main shopping street(s), but I haven’t banned myself from going into clothes shops or avoided reading fashion blogs. I think, I think, I hope, that this change will last longer than the three months I initially set out. I have a feeling that it will. I do like it more than I was expecting.
Of course I was expecting it to be horrid and hard and frustrating as all get out but you know, I always prepare for the worst case scenario because then I’m usually pleasantly surprised!
Additionally, in the not-exactly-a-confession category, my darling dear approved the purchase of a pair of shoes I have lusted after for years but which have been sold out every damn time I managed to scrape the requisite cents together. He’s lovely. I had previously decided, and mused out loud to Sir C, that I would purchase a pair of vertiginous heels as a celebration of the end of the hiatus. When these shoes (Sam Edelman Zoë boots aka faux-biagas) became available for purchase again my puppy-dog eyes took over my face and he rolled his eyes and said he liked them. Hurrah!
And so I ordered, I received, I tried them on, I took photographs and now I will pack them away again until April 14.
Only 30 days to go!
(yes they are kind of high. But the platform? the platform helps)
I am the queen of delayed gratification.