Saturday, September 12, 2009

So I turn my head away.

Petone Beach Sunset

I hate the sunsets here.
It's just another day ending in a country I find suffocating.

(photo from January 2008)

Tuesday, September 08, 2009

USS Missouri

From the Archives

USS Missouri, Pearl Harbour
27 August 2008

USS Missouri

We were on a tour which took us all around Pearl Harbour*. It was a little strange to be touring the USS Missouri after the glorious dead of the USS Arizona.

O beautiful, for spacious skies ...

But all the pomp and waving stars and stripes quickly moved that little black cloud onwards

Arizona Memorial from the Missouri

Until ... oop - there it is.

* I wish I'd been able to take a photo of the FBI building in Hawaii - it looks like it has windows, like any other office block type building, only it's on the edge of nowhere and the windows are all filled in.

Sunday, September 06, 2009

Week Thirty-Six

365 in 2009!

Sunday: it rained all day
It rained and it rained and it rained and it rained.

Monday: Holiday DVDs
I had another day off work and I spent it watching movies I've seen many times before. And one that I'd never seen*.

Tuesday: Funeral Book on the train
Reading a good book on the train (The Undertaking: Life Studies from the Dismal Trade by Thomas Lynch) with Craig by my side.

Wednesday: Beautiful clothes that I did not buy
Trying on beautiful clothes that, ultimately, I did not buy.

Thursday: Speed Reading
The morning spent at a Speed Reading course. It was surprisingly interesting and effective.

Friday: After work drinks, drunken train ride.
After work drinks lead to a later than usual train ride home.

Saturday: OpShop spoils
Visiting a vintage store I came away with a glorious kitsch souvenir scarf from Rome and a vintage camera. All for under $5.


Self Portrait with Rose Tattoo

* Ferris Bueller's Day Off.