Lady Gaga Hair Bow
Start with straightened hair ...
You will need: 2x rubber bands, 1x hair clip, many many bobby pins, and a whole mess of hairspray ...
Tie hair into a ponytail where you want the bow to end up. Separate out a little piece from the front of the tail to become the centre of the bow.
Clip it forward. This is where a fringe comes in handy!
And uh ... I forgot to take any more photos. BUT!
x tie another hair tie 3 inches down the ponytail.
x split the part of the pony tail between the 2 hairties and bobby-pin the hairties together. This makes the 2 'ears' of the bow.
x split the rest of the pony tail in two, bunch up each tail & push each half inside its respective bow-ear.
x unclip the middle of the bow. Lie over the gap between the bow-ears. Pin to the hairties.
x bunch the rest of the middle of the bow up and fit inside one of the bow-ears.
x pin pin pin.
x hairspray hairspray hairspray
x proceed to be adorable.
or alternatively, just watch this video tutorial: