Wednesday, December 16, 2009

GaGa Oo La La: the Hair Bow How To...

Lady Gaga Hair Bow

Lady Gaga Hair Bow

Start with straightened hair

Start with straightened hair ...

Tools - rubber band, bobby pins, large clip

You will need: 2x rubber bands, 1x hair clip, many many bobby pins, and a whole mess of hairspray ...

Pony tail where you want the bow. Separate a piece.

Tie hair into a ponytail where you want the bow to end up. Separate out a little piece from the front of the tail to become the centre of the bow.

Clip it forward to become the middle of the bow.

Clip it forward. This is where a fringe comes in handy!

And uh ... I forgot to take any more photos. BUT!
x tie another hair tie 3 inches down the ponytail.
x split the part of the pony tail between the 2 hairties and bobby-pin the hairties together. This makes the 2 'ears' of the bow.
x split the rest of the pony tail in two, bunch up each tail & push each half inside its respective bow-ear.
x unclip the middle of the bow. Lie over the gap between the bow-ears. Pin to the hairties.
x bunch the rest of the middle of the bow up and fit inside one of the bow-ears.
x pin pin pin.
x hairspray hairspray hairspray
x proceed to be adorable.

Depth of field bow

or alternatively, just watch this video tutorial:

Hair Bow Detail


  1. You are adorable! I am pretty gammy at following tutorials so was getting lost but thanks for including the video link as well. I am so trying this out soon!

  2. Love it! Makes me miss me long hair too much though. Gorgeous pics.

  3. That's so cute! I wish I could do it. My hair won't stand for any kind styling. It looks awesome!

  4. Charlie - good luck. It is really quite simple once you've done it once or twice!

    Melissa - I had short hair for the better part of a year. The growing out process was what really had me experimenting with hairstyles as I was hiding the hideous mid-length. Before then I had just left it longlonglong or in a bun.

    Lady - but your hair is AMAZING!
