Sunday, December 16, 2007

Firstly, an explanation ...

Craig and I arrived safely in New Zealand a few days ago.
Ever since I have been awash on a sea of sugarfree V.
There is a strange cognitive dissonance, everything seems so totally familiar and yet strange. Little things.

On our first day in Hong Kong, we were walking down to catch the ferry and I exclaimed Sparrows!!, I hadn't, until that moment, realised that we don't see sparrows in London.

I have ... oh, hundreds of photos to post. Why?

An explanation ...

Because my husband is oh so darling. My fauxmas present was the camera I have been dreaming of for years. The Canon EOS 400d.
Which I have been calling my Ixty, as the US name for the model is the Digital Rebel xti. Hee. But I'm not a big fan of the us-centric nickname. And I will not be anthropomorphising it.
(I have to quit squinting into the viewfinder though.)

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