It was grey and humid and had rained the day before, but we gathered for a picnic anyway and it was rather lovely.
SuperBowl Sunday in the USA and a holiday Monday in NZ lined up so we spent FOUR HOURS pretending we knew what was going on with American Football.
At the beginning I picked The Giants as my team. So pleased when they won.
At our tattoo studio we can either walk up three flights of stairs or take a terrifyingly ancient lift.
(Craig was having a tattoo consultation, not my turn this time)
Oh the walk along the waterfront is rather beautiful at times. Even something as utilitarian as the bridge over the lagoon.
Abstract, yes. Storeys of stairs in the Beehive.
Office detail. Beautiful protector, I believe. Foo dog? Shishi? I am not sure, but he is lovely.
Making raw macaroons AND art directing my lovely husband.
(I get so frustrated, he doesn't see things as I do, I can't understand it.)
(in short? I am horrible, he is lovely)
Oh I totally get the art direction! Dave is the same. Sometimes I wish I could step outside my own body and get the pics/video I want of myself (performing etc). He tries tho!