Sunday, February 22, 2009

Week Eight

365 in 2009!

Sunday: Poor Wrist
I fell incorrectly at rehearsal and my wrist made its displeasure known.

Monday: Stuck at Ngauranga
Stuck on the train three times as long as usual.

Tuesday: Shakespearean Reminders
Opening night! Even my list of things to remember has a Shakespearean bent.

Wednesday: Building on Lambton Quay
Wellington Architecture, a building near my office on Lambton Quay.

Thursday: Sitting outside the school
Routine. I sit outside the school for 30 minutes and run over my lines.

Friday: In the Green Room
Sitting in our Green Room as the torrential rain drove us indoors.

Saturday: Eastbourne beach
I walked onto the wharf instead of sitting outside the school as I was quite a bit early. It was beautiful. Then Ray and Theo accosted me into going into the pub so I didn't get to go over my lines at all!


Egg Head
Seriously tired AND with a teeny tiny egg on my forehead. Can you see it? it's about an inch above my right eyebrow.

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