Wednesday, January 26, 2011

My long suffering husband

TV on a Chilly Summer Day

I love this set of photos.

It was a long weekend and the weather outside was cold and grey and soporific*. So Craig and I curled up on the couch with new episodes of White Collar**. I then decided that I had to photograph it.
I think Craig was just happy I didn't make him change out of his trackpants.

TV on a Chilly Summer Day

TV on a Chilly Summer Day

TV on a Chilly Summer Day

* Naturally! It's the middle of Summer in Wellington.
** It's our new favourite show.


  1. Anonymous9:31 am

    Cute! Is this done with a self timer or do you have a fancy clicker thing that makes your camera take photos when you press it (I am sure there is a technical term for this, but I am a novice!) ;)

  2. Hi Sarah-Rose, I have awarded you a Stylish Blogger Award for the great photography and intimate insights you post on your blog.

    Check it out:

  3. Leah - I have a wee little remote for my DSLR. I've had it since 2007 and adore it. So handy. But so easy to lose! I keep it with my jewellery.

    Kerry - Thank you! My first blog award. I'll have to think about the 7 people to pass it along to!
